Preon’s Interstellar Omnichain Voyage

Exploring Preon’s Revolutionary Integration with LayerZero

Preon Finance
4 min readSep 7, 2023

In the realm of DeFi, scalability and cross-chain interoperability are major driving forces fueling the next wave of innovation. At the forefront of this movement is Preon Finance, a cutting-edge CDP protocol that’s part of the Sphere Ecosystem, which is making significant strides in expanding the boundaries of DeFi with its integration of omnichain technology created by LayerZero, a trailblazer in omnichain operability.

What is Preon Finance?

Preon Finance is a revolutionary CDP protocol, incorporating novel elements of collateralized yield farming. The platform has a focus on enhancing DeFi capabilities through its native stablecoin, $STAR, and its de-facto governance token $PREON, which are both designed to be Omnichain Fungible Tokens (OFT). The purpose of an OFT is to operate seamlessly across multiple chains and networks, thus opening up new possibilities in the DeFi world.

Price Time explains the function of an OFT, and how Preon has integrated LayerZero technology to achieve this.

LayerZero: Omnichain Interoperability

LayerZero is a cutting-edge omnichain interoperability protocol that is designed to facilitate the realization of cross-chain applications using a low-level communication primitive, enhancing security. In its essence, LayerZero provides the foundation for creating applications that can interact with various blockchain networks, thus eliminating the barriers that have traditionally segmented the blockchain landscape.

Preon’s Integration with LayerZero

Preon is integrating LayerZero technology in a remarkable way by launching using LayerZero technology natively, meaning that $STAR and $PREON are designed to be true OFTs. This is clear from examining Preon’s smart contracts, which utilize LayerZero’s functionality to facilitate cross-chain interactions, and do not operate using proxyONFT contracts.

In addition, Preon is one of an exceedingly small number of protocols to be completely OFT standard-native. Both $STAR and $PREON are built as OFTs.

This integration enables Preon to expand to other chains effectively and quickly. A testament to this is its successful expansion from Arbitrum to Polygon within a matter of days. This swift migration is a clear demonstration of the power of LayerZero technology and its potential to revolutionize the way DeFi protocols interact with multiple blockchain networks and bring them together to facilitate user experience within DeFi.

An Omnichain Fungible $STAR

Preon’s native stablecoin, $STAR, was designed and launched as an OFT from its inception, operating on LayerZero technology without the use of ProxyONFT contracts. From subgraphs to the OFT standard, $STAR has been designed to leverage LayerZero’s omnichain capabilities fully. This means that $STAR can interact with multiple blockchain networks, thus enhancing its utility and making it a truly versatile token in the DeFi landscape.

To illustrate this in practice, $STAR can be minted cross-chain through this integration of LayerZero technology. Users have the ability to deposit collateral on Arbitrum and mint $STAR on the Polygon Network, or vice versa. This allows for the seamless expansion of asset mobility across different blockchains, ensuring effortless scalability as more blockchains are created and gain popularity among DeFi users.

Built-In Bridge: Leveraging LayerZero to the Fullest

One of the key features of Preon’s integration with LayerZero is its built-in bridge. This bridge utilizes LayerZero’s technology to its full potential, allowing users to bridge to and from Arbitrum, Polygon and Base quickly. This provides unparalleled convenience and flexibility to its users, allowing them to interact with multiple chains without the need for complicated procedures or third-party tools. It also provides an additional layer of security, as traditional bridging methods were prone to hacking and asset loss, while LayerZero’s use of a low-level communication primitive enhances security, providing a safer environment for Preon users.

A sample of code used by Preon for the built-in bridge

In conclusion, Preon’s integration with LayerZero is a significant milestone not just for the Sphere Ecosystem, but for the entire DeFi space. It demonstrates the potential of omnichain interoperability and shows how DeFi protocols can leverage this technology to expand their reach and enhance their functionality. The expansion of interoperability and proliferation of omnichain technology moving forward makes this an exciting time for DeFi, and we can expect more innovation as this technology develops even further. Preon will strive to remain at the cutting edge of this innovation, allowing our users the opportunity to explore the possibilities offered by LayerZero.

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Thank you for reading, Preonauts — Preon to the $STARs.

