Preon: A New Home Base

A Quantum Leap to Next-Gen DeFi

Preon Finance
3 min readSep 2, 2023

In the DeFi space, continuous evolution is the only constant. At Preon, we have always prided ourselves on being at the forefront of this evolution, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in DeFi. Today, we are excited to announce our latest leap: Preon is going to Base.

This article is a deep dive into our expansion into Base, an up-and-coming layer 2 (L2) solution by Coinbase. We will explore the technicalities of this journey in depth, the opportunities it offers our users, and why this is a significant milestone in our quest to reDeFine.

Base: The New Frontier of L2 Solutions

Base is an innovative L2 solution created to act as a secure, low-cost, builder-friendly Ethereum scaling solution that is just beginning its exponential growth. It offers scalability, low fees, and fast transactions — a perfect environment for DeFi to flourish. This powerful chain acts as a gateway allowing Ethereum Layer 1 users access to many seamlessly-integrated Coinbase products, solutions, and on-chain assets.

Preon on Base: Embracing New Opportunities

Preon’s expansion into Base represents a great advancement for both parties, DeFi users as a whole, and the future of interoperability. Our mission is to build elaborate strategies on Base, offering our users fresh avenues to collateralize and farm their assets.

In this new terrain, we aim to maximize yield farming efficiency, provide greater liquidity, and enhance transaction speed. By leveraging the unique features of Base, we are equipping our users with sophisticated tools to navigate the DeFi landscape.

$STAR as a Bridge: Connecting DeFi Galaxies

Beyond offering new strategies, Preon and its native stablecoin, $STAR, will also act as a bridge from Arbitrum and Polygon PoS to Base. This means users can swiftly shuttle their assets from these ecosystems to Base, with the journey from Arbitrum to Base taking only 40 seconds.

$STAR was envisioned and built to be an OFT from the beginning, aiming to provide a high-speed, cross-chain functional token. That is also what Preon aims to be — a fast, reliable connector that enables users to exploit opportunities across different DeFi ecosystems seamlessly.

$STAR Farmers Reaping the Rewards

The expansion to Base also brings exciting opportunities for $STAR farmers. As Preon explores new frontiers on Base, $STAR farmers will have a wealth of new fields to cultivate, enhancing their yield farming potential.

By farming on Base, $STAR holders can maximize their returns and enjoy the fruits of their DeFi exploration, and gain access to a plethora of new yield farming strategies that will accelerate their yield return maximization.

Conclusion: Preon’s Voyage to the Next-Gen DeFi

Preon’s move to Base represents our continued commitment to pushing the boundaries in DeFi. It is a testament to our relentless pursuit of innovation, our dedication to delivering value to our users, and our vision to lead the charge into the future of DeFi.

Together with Base, we are not just building a DeFi platform; we are creating a star system of opportunities. A universe where every user, no matter their experience, can leverage the power of DeFi and enter seamlessly into the on-chain world.

As we embark on this exciting journey to Base, we are grateful to have our community by our side. Together, we will explore new DeFi territories, unlock their potential, and set new standards in the DeFi cosmos.

Join us in our Discord server to take part in this exciting journey as we take a quantum leap into the next generation of DeFi. With Preon, the future is in your hands.

Thank you for reading Preonauts. Until our next voyage through the $STARs.

