Gelato Integration x Preon

The Full Scoop on the Integration Elevating DeFi to New Heights

Preon Finance
4 min readSep 22, 2023

DeFi has never been more dynamic than it is currently. Technology and innovation are pushing the space forward at the speed of light, and new, strategic integrations and partnerships are emerging and playing a vital role in enhancing the capabilities of different platforms, offering new opportunities for users, and driving innovative developments even further.

The integration of Preon with Gelato Network is a prime example of this, and this integration enriches both platforms and the Sphere Ecosystem as a whole, offering a more efficient, automated, and user-friendly experience, particularly in the realm of liquidation.

Unpacking Preon: The CDP Protocol with a Twist

A deeper understanding of Preon’s unique features will help us appreciate the significance of this integration. Preon is a CDP protocol within the Sphere ecosystem, offering several innovative features that make it truly unique in the DeFi space.

Preon is currently in Phase 1 of launch, offering various powerful utilities which include allowing users to leverage various blue-chip and LP receipt tokens as collateral to borrow the $STAR stablecoin. This stablecoin can then be deposited into a variety of powerful yield farms to generate lucrative APR returns.

Preon also has the ability to transform deposited collateral into a productive asset, enabling users to earn yield even on their collateralized blue-chip and recept tokens.

Another feature that makes Preon unique is that it allows users to borrow $STAR and leverage their tokens at 0% interest at all times, having only minimal fees for deposits, withdrawals and minting.

Gelato Network: Powering Web3’s Decentralized Backend

Gelato Network, on the other hand, is a crucial part of Web3 infrastructure. As the decentralized backend of Web3, Gelato Network enables developers to create augmented smart contracts that are automated, gasless, and off-chain aware. This leads to more efficient, user-friendly applications that can interact intelligently with the blockchain.

Gelato allows developers to schedule transactions, set conditional triggers, and manage gas prices, among other things. This means smart contracts built on Gelato can execute complex operations without constant manual intervention, significantly improving user experience and scalability. Offering various utilities for DeFi protocols, Gelato lays a solid foundation for any protocol to create powerful use cases within the space.

Preon Meets Gelato: A Powerful Integration

The integration between Preon and Gelato Network is a significant development in the DeFi landscape. By leveraging the utility of Gelato Network, Preon is able to offer easy, permissionless liquidation.

Liquidation is a critical aspect of any CDP protocol, as it ensures that the system remains solvent and operating, and maintains the stability of the $STAR peg by allowing users to pay off the debt of under-collateralized positions. However, liquidation can be a complex and gas-intensive process.

With Gelato’s automation feature, Preon can automate the liquidation process. This means that when a user’s becomes under-collateralized — that is, when their position LTV exceeds the maximum LTV for that vault, it can be automatically liquidated without manual intervention, saving users time and reducing the risk of insolvency and peg instability.

In addition, Gelato’s gas management feature allows Preon to optimize gas usage during liquidation. This can significantly reduce the cost of liquidation, making it more affordable and efficient for users.

The Impact of the Integration

The integration of Preon with Gelato Network has several implications. First, it simplifies the liquidation process, making it easier for users to manage their CDP positions. This can lead to higher user engagement and activity on the platform, driving the growth of Preon and optimizing the utilities we are able to provide our users.

Second, it reduces the cost of liquidation, making the platform more affordable and accessible to a wider range of users. This can help attract more users to the platform, increasing liquidity and enhancing the platform’s stability.

Finally, it improves the platform’s scalability by automating complex operations. This can help Preon handle more transactions and users seamlessly without compromising performance, enabling it to grow and scale more effectively.

Conclusion: A Step Forward for DeFi

The integration of Preon with Gelato Network represents a significant step forward for the DeFi ecosystem. It showcases how strategic integrations can enhance the capabilities of DeFi platforms, offering new opportunities for users and driving innovative developments in the space.

As Preon continues to leverage Gelato’s utility to improve its platform, we can expect to see more exciting developments and innovations in the future. This integration not only elevates Preon’s CDP protocol but also sets a precedent for other DeFi platforms, demonstrating the power of strategic integrations in driving growth and innovation in the DeFi space.

In the ever-evolving world of DeFi, the integration between Preon and Gelato Network is a shining example of how platforms can collaborate to create a more efficient, user-friendly, and scalable ecosystem. We look forward to seeing how this integration will shape the future of DeFi.

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